Crown Casino Melbourne Poker Room
Part of Crown Casino and Entertainment Complex
Crown Casino , Australia's largest casino, has a 50-table poker room that offers a variety of cash games and tournament play. The room is located on Level B2 of the Crown Entertainment Complex and is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. The casino property includes nearly 40 restaurants and bars.
Every January, the Crown hosts the Aussie Millions as seen on Fox Sports Net. TwoRags posters Bond18, shaundeeb, A_Junglen and Sir Watts have all played this series of events.
The variety of cash games will appeal to players of all skill levels and budgets. The spread is determined by demand 24/7 so if you want a game just show up and put in for it. You'll mostly see $1/$1 No Limit Holdem (Buy-in $20-$50) to $5/$5 No Limit Holdem (Buy-in $300-$700) with the occasional $5/$10 Limit Holdem, $10/$20 Limit Omaha and $20/$40 Limit Holdem/Omaha.(Min Buyin 10 x Big Blinds). Mix games pop up frequently.
If a tournament is what you are after they are scheduled daily, weekly, and monthly from $0 Buy-in to the prestigious Aussie Millions. Most need to be booked right at the venue but you can sign up on the web page for notifications and of course Twitter and Facebook will keep you up to date.
If you're a staff person at Crown Poker and would like to add photos or other info to this listing, please contact us at
Poker tables: | 50 |
Poker Open 24/7: | Yes |
Self parking: | Yes |
Valet: | Yes |
Casino sq/ft: | 220,000 sq/ft |
Convention sq/ft: | 45,746 sq/ft |
Poker games available: | Limit Holdem , No Limit Holdem , Pot Limit Omaha , Mixed Games |
Hotels: | Crown Towers, Crown Metropol, Crown Promenade Melbourne |
Rates: | $203.00 - $740.00 |
Crown Casino and Entertainment Complex
8 Whiteman St, Southbank VIC 3006, Australia
Available 24/7 | Yes |
Phone | +61 3 9292 5204 |
Website | Website |
@crownpoker |
Hours of Operation
Open 24/7 |

Melbourne Poker Jobs in Melbourne
Crown Melbourne Casino Jobs
Review Poker Room

Guess I’ll start with my roommates antics. Jeff played the $100k buyin tournament here, and with 7 left, (5 paid), and a 1st place finish worth over $1.2mil he was holding the chiplead and playing great. Through an extremely unfortunate turn of events, Jeff ended up busting out in 7th, despite playing great, and not making any clear mistakes.
Well, I haven’t decided if it was a good thing or not, but I wasn’t in the room when he got back from the tournament area. I was hanging out with some friends and came back a few hours after reading that Jeff had went apeshit on the room. So, I walked in, noticed a hole in the wall, a cracked television, and Jeff trying to restore a painting that he’d knocked off the wall.
It’s difficult to justify these action’s, but Jeff’s more than willing to pay for the damages, and considering the circumstances, if there’d ever be a time to go berserk on a hotel room, it’d be after busting out of the biggest tournament/oppourtunity to date. Especially after being in such a commanding position.
Sorry Jeff
Tomorrow’s Day 1A of the Main Event, but I’m playing the 2nd flight. There’s 3 total, so assuming I make it through to Day 2, I’ll have a day off during Day 1C.
On a side note, apparently they’ve released the betting line for the Aussie Millions and I’m picked 8th to win overall, which is kind of cool (Note: There was a link to the sports betting site, but it was taken down once the tournament started. I was picked 125:1 to win). Obviously betting on a single player in a field of 900 - 1000 entrants is ridiculous. I just thought it was cool to be near the top of the line =)
Today I hung out with Paul Wasicka, his girlfriend, Amber, and friend Truman. We donked around a bit at 2/3NL, which was refreshing. Since the stakes were so low, I obviously wasn’t my usual “serious self” at the table, and just had a good time. It’d been a long time since I really played “just for fun” and it helped me remember why I play poker.
Anyways, supposedly Paul’s going to be writing a blog about the numerous, humerous, baffling rules they enforced while we were playing. It seemed like any kind of string bet or drink order was at the discretion of the dealer/waiter, which are constantly changing in the casino environment. Oh well, it should be a good read.
After donking around at 2/3NL (where I booked a $350 profit, so I’m only stuck like $4.7k now, lol), we headed to the Meat and Wine Co. It was just Paul, Amber and myself and as we headed to the bar, while our seating was being arranged, I noticed something….I knew every single person in the bar. I introduced Paul and Amber to a bunch of my friends and then we decided to join their party. There must’ve been 25+ people at the table when we were seated. Some people took some pictures, I’m sure they’ll surface and will be posted later.
The total bill was only $1,200 so we decided to flip for it. I suppose a better term would be, played credit card roulette for the bill. About 7-8 people decided to just pay for the bill and leave, but why pay and leave when you can gamble and get a free meal? I believe 12-13 of us tossed our credit cards in a hat, and we pulled a single card out at a time until the last card in the hat was the unfortunate “benefactor” of the $1,200 bill.
Sorry JCarver, but thanks for dinner.
That’s it for now,
Again, I’ll be playing Day 1B, and if I bust out, I’ll be playing the $5k heads up and $2k 6max NLH that are on later dates.
Thanks for reading,
Adam Junglen

I ended up getting QQ vs my friend Carl's (colson10) AK AIPF for a around 9,500 at 50/100. EP opened for 300, Carl made it 900 from MP, I picked up QQ in the BB. I normally would've taken a bit more time, but there was a max of 20 seconds to act on your hand. I probably gave away my hand when they started counting down the clock briefly after I mentally counted down my stack to decide how I wanted to play my hand. I came to the conclusion shoving couldn't be bad, so I shoved, Carl made the call with AK and I lost the race.
No biggie, I'd much rather lose a race early in the tournament, than get semi-deep and bust out after several hours. The 20-second clock was annoying though.
Besides the tournament, I've hung out at an FTP party, and just spent some time with a lot of poker friends I haven't seen in a long time.
That's it for now, here's a pic from today's event.
The 5k HU event went poorly (to say the least). I won game 1 (best 2 of 3), and dropped 2 and 3. Pretty much summarizes the trip. I decided to skip the $2k 6max event (going on right now), and just relax.
I fly out on the 21st around 12:30pm (Australian time), and arrive in LA at 7:30am....on the 21st (lol @ time changes). I'm hangin out in LA for a day, then flying back to CLE on the 22nd.
When I get back home, I'll be pretty busy. I get the key to my new place on the 31st, and haven't bought any furniture yet - so I'll have to get that done. I also have a lot of work to do on the PokerVT. I need to finish up some instructional video's (Most notably is the Sunday Million win), as well as fly out to Vegas to do some work in the studio. The site is on schedule to go live this spring, and I'm very excited to be apart of it.